Saturday, January 17, 2009


He LOVES chocolate ice cream!

Cotton Candy!!

Three cuties!!

How many "Victory" signs do you see?

One tired boy!! The first night with us!

First bath with us!

We left our hotel early this morning and headed for the airport. I finally got our luggage down to 5 bags and didn't have to pay the excess fee for being over weight. Yeah!! The kids looked really cute all pulling their suitcases through the airport, of course we attracted a lot of attention once again. Audie was not impressed with the fact that he had to leave his seat belt on for the flight, but other than that he did really well. We arrived at the Holiday Inn and got situated in our room and then took a taxi to Shaiman Island and dropped off laundry then headed to Lucy's!! If anyone has ever been there, then you understand. The cheeseburger was great, but the Ketchup was very sweet and had a unique flavor. I would guess maybe all spice or cloves??? The kids were happy, it was a beautiful night so we ate outside. It was so nice seeing so many other adoptive families. Not to be the only one was very nice!!

Audie continues to do very well, he did get mad at me twice on the airplane and once in the hotel room. I timed him on the second cry on the airplane~20 seconds and he was over it!! He will completely ignore you if you have just made him mad. ;) It's kinda funny. He still hits anytime something doesn't go his way. We have a little work cut out for us!!

Tomorrow we are going to the Safari Park, which I'm sure will be interesting. I'll try to post again tomorrow night. Until then, enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well and it makes me overwhealmed with joy to know that another child will be blessed with the love of your family. Anna, Avery and Audie look like they have known each other all of their lives. Jeff, Coby and I are so happy for you all and we can't wait to meet Audie!!!