Monday, August 25, 2008

Shopping for a Audie!!

On Saturday evening, our family went and had some real fun!!! We went to a big toy store and shopped for a boy! I know this may seem ordinary, but we have four girls who are very much girly girls and so this new section of toys was quite an experience for us. We got some blocks, a train conductor ensemble, Cars and Thomas books, a Pirate ship, baseball and bat, a leap frog game (can you imagine if Audie didn't have one and the girls did???), and a space themed toddler bedding set. Daddy picked out the bedding, then had to quickly stop looking at as it had Binary on it and then his OCDness would take over and he would have to solve it. ;-) The girls were so good and never once complained that they didn't get any toys. They were very excited to be shopping for Audie! They especially love the Pirate ship, rrrrr matey as Sister Bear would say. That is actually how we saw the ship, we heard Sister Bear around the corner quoting her favorite Pirate phrase. Daddy did see some really cool space themes toys, but resisted buying them because he doesn't want to force his ideas on Audie and because he wants to take Audie to the toy store and see what he likes. Sounds good to me.

The girls are so excited about Audie, they keep asking about him. I just recently had to start giving bath's in shifts as the girls are getting big and there just wasn't enough room for anyone anymore. Today, Avery said that she would gladly take a bath with him! Today is day 50!!! Yes, I am counting every single day!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Big Girl School

The girls were soooo excited to go to "Big Girl School", that they just could hardly stand it. Everyone woke up happy and happily agreed to a shower!!! Anna always does great getting ready. Avery, it depends on the day and definitely do not rush her. Alenia, is almost always grumpy upon wakening while still sucking on her binky. So, imagine my true happiness from the morning! Everyone got dressed, ate breakfast, made sure mommy fixed their hair and grabbed their back packs. Avery did say that she was really going to miss her purple blanket and sister at school! How sweet! First I took Allison to high school, which is getting easier for her. Thank goodness! Then the three little ones and I went and dropped of Sister Bear first, she was thrilled. She dropped her back pack and went straight to the kitchen to play. She did allow me and her sisters to give her a kiss. Lucky, aren't we??? Then it was Anna and Avery's turn. They were so cute, holding hands and posing for the camera. We went in, checked in and washed our hands and then they split off and went to different stations. Avery wanted to color, purple of course and Anna went to the craft area. They happily told me good bye and then I found myself in the parking lot with no kids in my car. I truly did not know what to do. This is such a rarity and if it does occur, it's usually because I'm going to the grocery store and the kids are home with daddy. So, I grabbed some breakfast went home and read while I ate, uninterrupted I might add! Then I cleaned house at a nice leisurely pace and then I met Steve and we had our first meeting for our new house. All in all, a busy day, but very good for mommy! When I picked up the girls, they were so happy to tell me all about their day and to give each other hugs and kisses. They are so sweet and best friends (mostly), it will be very interesting to see how Audie interacts with everyone. Well that's all for now!!

Becky on day 45 for Audie, but who's counting???

Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to School!!!

Well, I am officially OLD!!! My oldest daughter started high school. I just cannot believe that this beautiful, smart, funny and sensitive teenager is the same little girl I use to rock to sleep. Allison is such a great kid who truly does not know how beautiful or special she is.

Allison was almost in tears before she got out of the car to go inside. I knew that walking in for the first time would probably be the hardest moment for her and all I could do was send her lots of positive energy for her to have a great day. She had a good day over all, especially since she was a Freshman and a new student altogether. She made a couple of friends and everyone was very interested in the fact that she was from Texas. I asked her how many times she said y'all??? This is her favorite "Texas" word! :)

Then later that evening we took the three little ones to "Big Girl School" to meet their teachers. It looks like the girls are going to have a blast there and yes, I warned Sister Bear's teacher about her strong will spirit. I look forward to hearing all about their first day next week. I will actually have some true free time!!! I have tons of digital scrap booking to keep me busy, so that is where I will be. Maybe the gym too, I want to make sure I am strong as can be for our coming trip to China!

We are having a great time watching the Olympics and Anna is very proud that they are in "her" China. I cannot wait to see her reaction to actually being back in China and what people will think of us. I should be interesting.



Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Pictures!!!

We received five new pictures of Audie today! Wow, what a cutie!! To celebrate, I took the three little girls to Target and they helped Mommy pick out five new boy toys. I have four daughters and this whole boy thing is new to me. I feel safe picking out cars, trucks, and trains, but beyond that I am a little lost! I will have to enlist my husbands help. He did ask me why I didn't buy any airplanes or space shuttles!?!

I cannot wait to meet Audie and discover his personality. He sounds like he has a little temper, which should make things interesting with him and Alenia, aka Sister Bear. Sister Bear had a very good last two days, yesterday she didn't throw one fit or "no way"!!! I think the key to her is to keep her very busy, keep things new and to give TONS of positive reinforcement when she is being good. I just tell myself, she won't take any crap off of anyone when she is older and that is a good thing!

I leave you with my favorite new picture! Enjoy!!
